Saturday, March 25, 2017
The Science Is Not Just Not Settled; It Is False
The American Thinker site has an article, "The Science Is Settled, So Shut Up", referring to the climate alarmism on the political Left, and its tyrannous consequences, but also bringing in other political debates over science. My response:
False dogma is generally ascendant over true reason now. That is why we see evolution and sexual orientation aguments intruding into the debate over climate science. And it is not just the Left vs. Right, it is just that the Left has taken the politically correct, consensus position in every confrontation, while the Right is more open to alternative reasonable views. This is actually a disease on the Left, as the consensus ideas, or reigning dogmas, in so many fields today, are wrong, despite the false dogmas having been nurtured for a long time, in science and in wider society. Darwin set science on the wrong path of denying design of the natural world over 150 years ago, and Agassiz contributed with his theories of past ice ages, which led directly to the false "greenhouse effect" in an attempt to explain a false paradigm of "global climate change"; Milankovitch furthered the miseducation of scientists by supposing recurring changes in the Earth's orbit and the tilt of its spin axis; and the followers of Alfred Wegener overreached, and turned further from the truth, in the 1960s, by "explaining" past continental movements as due to ongoing global "plate tectonics".
Virtually everything scientists so confidently assert as fact in the earth and life sciences today is not only not settled, it is false. There is no undirected, Darwinian evolution; there have been no naturally-occurring ice ages; the Earth's orbit does not change as Milankovitch supposed; the continents were not moved to their present forms and positions by plate tectonics; and there is no valid global climate science being taught.
On the other hand, all religions today are full of myth, not sure knowledge, insofar as they tell stories about the pre-historic past, before events were written down as they happened, according to living witnesses to the events.
So they are no substitute for true science, and that cannot be overemphasized. It is no use trying to go back to ancient religious dogmas to counter the dogmas in modern science.
My research into the so-called "ancient mysteries", undertaken as a modern physicist and to the highest standards of true science, has uncovered the fact--not theory, not ancient religious dogma, not freely-imagined speculation--that a great design WAS imposed upon the Earth, between roughly 20,000 and 10,000 years ago (so modern geology itself is only right about the last 10,000 years or so; it cannot be trusted farther back than that). That design establishes what I wrote above, about the falseness in all the earth and life sciences, due to the false paradigm--the false dogma--they have slavishly followed.
In this, I write as the Copernicus, or Galileo, of this time, informing of a new understanding of the world, its motions in space, and the late origin of its present conditions, only a few tens of thousands, not hundreds of millions, of years ago.
Between the dogmatic scientists and the dogmatic religionists, few want to confront this new knowledge. But all who can see, can see from present debates and wars that such knowledge is very much needed. Without it, everyone is blind, on both sides of every debate about the physical world.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Marching For Dogma
This will be a very short post, as I see no real good in arguing at length with the deeply deluded. This is just a succinct reminder of the truth so many refuse to confront now.
Judith Curry has a post on "What Are Scientists Marching For?". (There is going to be a march on Washington around April 22nd, basically in hysterical protest over the new President and what they so deludedly think he represents, along the lines of "anti-science".) My response:
They will be marching in defense of dogma, that is all--and specifically, false dogma (not science at all). They will also be marching in favor of unabashed tyranny over critics of their dogma (which they believe, religiously but falsely, to be science). This is all about defending what is in fact a general incompetence among today's scientists, the false paradigm that gave rise to that incompetence, and all the false theories--false speculative structures--they have built up in their minds (and in peer-reviewed papers, and books, and countless lectures), based upon that false paradigm.
Actually, I have let myself go on too long here. I meant only to say, "They will be marching in defense of dogma over good, honest reason," and leave it at that. But again, I have to immediately add, "and for the tyranny that is always needed to sustain false dogma."
Now look, I have said it twice. Words all over the place, and to what end? They WILL NOT listen. They have a million, a billion, a trillion times as many words, saying the opposite. How does a generation take stock, and unlearn a century and a half of false dogma and misdirected scientific effort? In the end, they must confront revolutionary new knowledge and a new, truer paradigm--the Great Design of the "gods"--that's how.