Saturday, April 18, 2015

Those Who Forget the Past

I have submitted the following comment to the notalotofpeopleknowthat site, where it is stated that the global mean surface temperature has been flat for the last 20 years:

It is 25 years. Remember you heard it from me first. I have tried to inform the climate debaters on the blogosphere a number of times over the last 4 years, that the temperatures between 2010 and 2012 were tracking those between 1990 and 1992, for example at:

"CO2-Correlated Global Warming Only Occurred 1976 - 1989/90"

As for the CO2 "climate sensitivity", my 2010 Venus/Earth Temperature vs. Pressure (T-P) curves comparison revealed the FACT that there is NO global warming greenhouse effect whatsoever, that climate science went wrong when it threw away the knowledge of the Standard Atmosphere (which my Venus/Earth comparison PRECISELY confirmed) to chase "runaway global warming", and that the last two generations of climate scientists have been fundamentally mis-educated (so that all of those who now are touted as the authoritative voices, the "experts", in climate science, are thoroughly incompetent, not to mention religiously deluded in their defense of the "consensus" theories--this includes both the alarmists and the "lukewarmers"). The CO2 climate sensitivity is precisely zero.

The intellectual atmosphere in the climate change debates--and the positions of all of our suborned institutions, being presented to the public as scientific fact--is full of nonsense and lies. It is in fact insane. The whole system is broken, both scientifically and politically.


  1. Agreed. Greenhouse effect back-radiation is small in my view. The surface temperatures of Venus and Earth are correctly predicted (somewhat surprisingly) by the Ideal Gas law. I got a temperature of ~727K and ~290K for Venus and Earth respectively which is close to their estimated surface temperatures.

  2. Good Morning, Anonymous,

    "...surface the Ideal Gas law" doesn't cut to the heart of the physics of it -- which is why I emphasize the Standard Atmosphere (and my precise confirmation of it in the Venus/Earth comparison). The mathematical derivation of the Standard Atmosphere model shows the hydrostatic condition is also needed. As the text in the just-given link states, in the Standard Atmosphere model, "The air is assumed to be dry and to
    obey the perfect gas law and hydrostatic equation, which, taken together, relate temperature, pressure and
    density with geopotential altitude." The vertical temperature lapse rate (-6.5K/km in Earth's atmosphere) strictly governs (i.e., stabilizes, against both global warming AND cooling) the global mean surface temperature, and follows from the hydrostatic condition according to the basic physics equation mcΔT = -mgΔh (thus ΔT/Δh = -g/c), which equates the change in heat content of a given air mass m to the change in potential energy, due to a small change in the altitude, Δh. (c is the effective specific heat of the air) The physics could not be any simpler, any clearer, and my Venus/Earth comparison simply shows it is not theory, but the fact, that nothing governs the global mean surface temperature but the inherent hydrostatic condition of the atmosphere (which provides the temperature lapse rate structure, predominant over all other considerations, including night vs. day) and the level of incident solar power. The only way this can be, of course, is if the atmosphere is warmed to its equilibrium Standard Atmosphere state by direct absorption of incident solar radiation, not from the ground as all the "experts" have been taught and (religiously) believe. Radiation from the ground does not further warm the atmosphere, globally, and "backradiation" is a fundamental confusion of climate scientists, due to a fundamentally false radiation transfer theory that none of them will deign to question.

  3. Thank you Harry. You might right, I don't know. This subject is not my wheelhouse. All I know is that the Ideal Gas law can be deployed to accurately predict the temperature of all the planets in the solar system (apart from mercury which has no atmosphere). It predicts the temperature of all the planets very well within a few degrees mostly, the highest discrepancy is Venus, where the Ideal Gas law predicts 727K and the actual temperature is around 737K according to NASA.

  4. Anonymous,

    If you are talking about predicting the temperature at the SURFACE of every planet--as it seems you are--to my knowledge no one even knows for sure if all the gas giant planets even have a solid surface under their atmospheres, much less what the true size of the solid planet is, so I don't see how they can know the surface temperatures of those planets, Jupiter and Saturn in particular. If you are referring to the so-called "Unified Climate Theory" of Nikolov and Zeller, I reject it as a valid scientific theory (you can read my take on it here, here, and here).
