Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Wisdom Tradition (and Hammurabi Exposed)

I have posted the following comment on the Conservative Treehouse site, in response to another commenter who declared that if justice is not forthcoming soon, in the treasonous demonization and persecution of President Trump, he will not vote. I sympathize, but I remember the higher calling of morality, in the history-long Wisdom Tradition, which my scientific discovery of our true origin necessarily emphasizes and enlightens:

Let's see, it goes something like this:

"God grant me the courage to change the [bad, immoral] things I can change, the patience/character/faith to abide the things I cannot -- and the wisdom to know the difference."

It is within our power to vote, and to inform others (here and/or elsewhere) where we stand and why.

You think YOU have it bad...I am a hard scientist, educated before the slow-motion train wreck of the last 50+ years, and 23 years ago I made the greatest discovery in human history, revelatory of the origins of human history (!) I am literally the "Galileo" of this time. I have larger concerns than just the fate of the United States; the modern civilized world is refusing to heed what is at the root of all of its false dogmas and tribal divisions. It is literally beyond modern man's too often merely dogmatic, arbitrary definitions of good and evil, because those self-serving TRIBAL and SUPERSTITIOUS definitions are broken by the unconfronted, long-forgotten truth -- objective, historical, not philosophical or speculative -- at the roots.

This is why morality is so important; because it is eternal, unchanging (no matter how much knowledge Mankind on Earth lost "at the beginning").

The Wisdom Tradition holds that morality, forever. It calls to everyone of us, no matter how victimized we are, or see ourselves, by the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. See, Shakespeare knew it; Jesus knew it; David knew it; Even Hammurabi (a.k.a. Abraham -- you heard it here first, note) knew it.

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