Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Wisdom Tradition (and Hammurabi Exposed)

I have posted the following comment on the Conservative Treehouse site, in response to another commenter who declared that if justice is not forthcoming soon, in the treasonous demonization and persecution of President Trump, he will not vote. I sympathize, but I remember the higher calling of morality, in the history-long Wisdom Tradition, which my scientific discovery of our true origin necessarily emphasizes and enlightens:

Let's see, it goes something like this:

"God grant me the courage to change the [bad, immoral] things I can change, the patience/character/faith to abide the things I cannot -- and the wisdom to know the difference."

It is within our power to vote, and to inform others (here and/or elsewhere) where we stand and why.

You think YOU have it bad...I am a hard scientist, educated before the slow-motion train wreck of the last 50+ years, and 23 years ago I made the greatest discovery in human history, revelatory of the origins of human history (!) I am literally the "Galileo" of this time. I have larger concerns than just the fate of the United States; the modern civilized world is refusing to heed what is at the root of all of its false dogmas and tribal divisions. It is literally beyond modern man's too often merely dogmatic, arbitrary definitions of good and evil, because those self-serving TRIBAL and SUPERSTITIOUS definitions are broken by the unconfronted, long-forgotten truth -- objective, historical, not philosophical or speculative -- at the roots.

This is why morality is so important; because it is eternal, unchanging (no matter how much knowledge Mankind on Earth lost "at the beginning").

The Wisdom Tradition holds that morality, forever. It calls to everyone of us, no matter how victimized we are, or see ourselves, by the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. See, Shakespeare knew it; Jesus knew it; David knew it; Even Hammurabi (a.k.a. Abraham -- you heard it here first, note) knew it.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How to Think About the Real World

I posted the following comment to the Conservative Treehouse site, in response to someone who advocated mathematics in solving real-world problems, and who used an old chestnut, "Encountering The Truth Teller and the Liar at the Crossroads" as his example. Since my discovery of "The Great Design of the 'gods'", I am a unique expert on the truth about real-world problem solving:

Your example is an old "poser", a trick problem, that I encountered in a book of posers when I was an adolescent, and I regard it as adolescent entertainment, no more. One can't, for example, waste time in the real world trying to come up with a question that always has the same answer, whether from a "truth-teller" or a "liar". More generally, mathematics -- in any form -- does not govern logic, nor science as applied to the real world. The truth is just the reverse. Mathematics by itself is free of meaningful content. (This of course is intuitively obvious, to anyone -- even the most learned scientist -- upon first encountering a strange new equation of mathematical symbols.

Cause and effect is the proper idea; this is the whole idea of science. To truly understand a situation, seek the cause (or more generally, multiple causes, although they all have to come together, to inform the present). And here is the real secret, that adolescent thinkers too often neglect: Real-world situations constitute a complex picture, when all is known, but which, with causes yet unknown, is rather an unassembled jigsaw puzzle. Yet we know all of the pieces have to fit together precisely, at every juncture, in the end, to form that complex but entirely coherent picture. Again, coherence is the mark of the real world. The things of the real world cohere (this is the fundamental truth, the bottom line, that would cure atheism itself, and any and all existential angst), as mere vain imaginings (such as the ideas of the Insane Left Democrats now) never can and never do. We are fighting incoherence (hell-bent and dogmatic) now, in both the Deep State and in our fellow citizens.

Every real-world situation is a jigsaw puzzle, with real pieces that must all fit together. This of course makes solving the puzzle easy, in the end, because that fitting together means there is a wealth of information, in the shape of every piece and the picture details on each piece, that tells one exactly (!) how they must fit together. One need only take the time to consider how well each pair of pieces fits together.

I could tell you just what level of fitting together needs to be achieved, before one can confidently consider two pieces properly joined; it is in my book, "The End of the Mystery". In my experience, however, "leading the horse to water" is the best I can hope for. The answer lies in every jigsaw puzzle, of course; all you have to do is look.


Things cohere, in themselves and all together in the world, because it was all designed, as my discovery of the world reformation by the 'gods' now makes clear, as never before in history.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

On Design

I have posted the following comment to the American Thinker site, in response to an article about the failure of modern science, or scientism:

I am a scientist, now 72 years old. I am an INDEPENDENT scientist -- a physicist -- with no connections (for the past 25 years) to academia or any institution. Twenty-three years ago, I made the greatest discovery in history, of what can only be called "The Great Design of the 'gods' ". Yes, 'gods' means the all-powerful, and fictional, characters in early world's myths. Only they were based upon a past reality, real beings, who in fact remade the world. My discovery constitutes a new world paradigm, for both science and religion. I am the Galileo of this time, with a "New World System" for belief: The world was designed, in every detail. The "god's" design was the last such, done only 20,000 to 10,000 years ago (which is why the world's myths are so vivid, as a remembered past of mankind). My rediscovery of the "god's" design brings into focus the fact that EVERYTHING in our world was designed, as philosophers and religious believers in a divine Creator have always claimed. Science, indeed, is founded upon the faith (religious faith, if you will!) that we CAN learn, and know, EVERYTHING about our world; scientists, at least before Darwin, knew science as the endeavor to learn the workings of the great design we all observe and live in. Design was the fundamental assumption, the basic understanding, that allowed (and allows) science to proceed, and succeed.

But modern science went wrong with Darwin, and has pushed recognition of the design(s) of the world out of "allowed" science. Religionists with an axe to grind, and relatively few honest and truly competent scientists, and many individuals with the insight to see evidence of design for themselves, have spoken, or cried, out against this INCOMPETENCE in modern science, but for the last 160 years in vain. My discovery WILL change that -- science, in my hands, has itself uncovered a world design, at the very root of all of mankind's "ancient mysteries", and all of mankind's earliest and longest-lasting dogmatic beliefs (mostly, of course, false dogmas about "God", with the consequent tyrannies of history those dogmas have birthed, and continue to birth to this day).

Science CAN explain everything -- in the end, but not yet, and not as long as it is way off in its fundamental assumptions, especially about the universal design of EVERYTHING, in the material universe. Science has gone wrong, not in failing to understand "humanity", but because incompetent humans have over-estimated themselves. Science's errors are not due to overreaching, into areas it "cannot ever explain", but in the specific wrong assumption at bottom that Design cannot be broached scientifically.

There is no runaway "global warming", because the world was DESIGNED to be stable, to support life (I have shown the simple physics of the designed atmosphere on my science blog, "The End of the Mystery: Setting the Stage", and proved there is no global-warming "greenhouse effect", at all.). The Covid-19 scare is worthless, for most of us, because the world was not DESIGNED to allow it; the world was specifically designed to provide us the necessary ingredients to protect ourselves (once science, a.k.a. methodical learning, revealed those ingredients to us...I use echinacea to support my immune system, and I believe it helped me ward off this latest viral attack as it has others over the past 25 years).

In short, what is needed in the world now is recognition of the new paradigm, of past, specific design(s) of the world, that my great discovery, of the true origin of the world as we now observe it, provides as never before in history.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Modern Dogmas, Covid19, and Echinacea

This is, as I have written many times before, a science blog exclusively(!), and I take no politically, ideologically or otherwise biased comments, to dilute the absolute devotion to true science here; this is absolutely necessary, with the revolutionary nature of my discoveries. But I have had to comment, repeatedly, on the general intellectual conditions in our world today, always in the context of the new -- and again, revolutionary -- scientific knowledge I have uncovered, which has allowed me to see that we live in a climactic time of a general testing of mankind on Earth, with no real experts. Let that thought sink in, for your serious consideration, even prolonged study. The intellectual character of our time is, to put it bluntly but clearly, tattered, with, indeed, much insanity: The insanity of the loyal but deluded cultist, sane in most matters but insane in his/her devotion to a false dogma, unable to think outside of that illusory box. Most people's casual belief in what is touted as "settled science" -- or "the consensus" -- is the prime example. But there are many false dogmas at play in our time, all clamoring for ascendance over good, honest, dispassionate reason, or, indeed, common sense. And they are driving mankind to war. With all of that in mind, and adding in the Covid-19 "pandemic" now gripping the nation and world: I have posted the following comment to the Conservative Treehouse site, in response to a comment by someone fed up with all of the "expert" comments abounding on the internet, and his determination to "follow Trump", rather than all those with clearly "extremist" agendas:

All of us who voted for, and totally support him, will follow him. For us, that's not the point. But President Trump himself doesn't believe the dark "expectations" of even his "experts", Fauci et al; it would be a mistake to follow them as loyally and closely as we follow the President, for they are in fact compromised specialists, tragically flawed "experts": They don't emphasize individual protection of the immune system, by the use of more or less well-known herbal remedies, for example; they know only their own well-hedged and separate field, which actively repulses such natural remedies and supportive products, in favor of man-made, supposed "cure-alls" (in this, ironically enough, they are the modern equivalent of the old-time "medicine doctors" who wandered the land, selling quack remedies containing alcohol and highly addictive drugs like opium and heroin.

We could, and many of us no doubt do, go on about all of this all day. I'll cut this short. I am a 72-year old physical scientist (who, not by-the-way as it may seem, but very few care to consider and confirm, made the greatest discovery in history, which I call -- for popular consumption, as it were -- "The Great Design of the 'gods' "). I have given my two cents to the public discourse here, in any number of intended-informative comments, on an ongoing number of "imminent catastrophes" being presented to the American people and the world, since Obama was elected President in 2008: His "transformation" agenda, built always upon blatant, big lies, like Obamacare; the "global warming/climate change" war of words, the attempted coup d'etat against his duly-elected successor ("elections have consequences" come back to haunt him), and so on.

I knew before he was elected that he was a man of no character, by the way he squirmed to keep his skirts clean of the "Rev." Wright; I knew, just from common sense and seeing what my mother's and other family members' medical bills were even BEFORE Obamacare, that he was simply lying about it, obscenely; I know there is no valid global "climate" science, and no competent climate scientists (none at all!); I know that none of the FBI, CIA, DOS, DOJ can be trusted after the last 3 years, and the same for the criminal mob and insane cult that Obama's election turned the Democrat party into [this is all part of the "tattered intellectual climate" and "general testing of Man" I have referred to in the introductory paragraph above, and many times before, and must be acknowledged, especially by me, the one scientist who knows something, revolutionary(!), about the origin of ALL of mankind's dogmas, (pre-)historically]. And I know that Covid19 is not the incipient death plague it has been made out to be, but a fairly mild infection, whose main claim to fame is the swiftness, the seeming ruthlessness, with which it gets past the body's outer defenses -- the nose and mouth -- and into the body.

I support those outer defenses fairly simply, as I have written here before, mainly by licking a little chili powder shaken into my palm at the first sign of "tenderness" in the back of my mouth, where nose and throat passages join. I do a few other small things, like sip a little diluted organic apple cider vinegar (Bragg's) to clean the throat and possibly settle the stomach -- but the chili powder is the main thing, and it is a miracle drug for me, keeping me from really getting sick, enough to go to the doctor, for 10 years and more now.

But Covid19, I believe, got past my outer defenses, even to the point where I got an incipient fever, just a tinge, and a compromised stomach/digestive system. When something gets into my body, I depend upon echinacea to back up my immune system and drive it out, and it has worked for me, all by itself, for 25 years now. I prefer echinacea with goldenseal***, and the liquid form (which I haven't been able to get for the last 20 years, but capsules work fine too). The key is not to constrain oneself to the dosage recommended on the bottle: Where the bottle says, take 2 capsules 3 times a day, when I need to cure what has already gotten a foothold I pull no punches; I begin by taking 2 every 20 minutes (!), and only lessen the dose when I'm sure I have already beaten the bug -- virus or otherwise -- then I may take 2 an hour, then one an hour, etc., all the while monitoring my condition. When I got what I believe was covid19, last week, it held on for 2 to 3 days, never able to "put me down", give me a real fever, or give me any other symptom of outwardly apparent sickness. It was "incipient" only, and I quickly knew it was no worse than any other infection I used to get routinely in the past, before I learned about echinacea and used it. Again, I am 72; I don't worry about ANY infection anymore, because I know how to protect myself against them.

And protecting one's individual immune system is precisely not what we are getting from any of the "experts". Well, I did see a news segment on the local news this morning, where the "expert" was talking about supporting the immune system, but all she could talk about was "eat right", "vitamins D and C", along with pictures of healthy foods (but including KALE, for crying out loud). No mention of echinacea, or any other herbal remedy, and to me, that cries out "incompetent", to the point of fraud in a widely-dangerous time like this one. (To be sure, yelling "echinacea" at this point in time is probably too little too late, but only because I am seeing a dearth of it in WalMart and local grocery stores, and even pharmacies.) Everybody is missing a miracle "cure-all" in echinacea, properly administered in large, continuing doses. And that is not extremism, I assure you.

***I have in fact just bought and tried an "Echinacea Complex", containing, in addition to echinacea, elderberry, burdock and cayenne pepper, and found, after using just 3 capsules so far, that it works very well too. Echinacea is the main thing I want to inform everyone about here, as the title of this post indicates. I believe there is no need to wait on the "experts", for those of us not already at death's door from other conditions than Covid19.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Global Climate Hysteria is at Odds with the Stable Global Design I Discovered

I have posted the following comment on the tallbloke site, in response to the news that Great Britain is doubling down on its hysterical belief in "global climate change/global warming":

The whole world and everything in it was designed (in a series of progressively lesser designs, not a single creation). That includes the global mean surface temperature, as the Standard Atmosphere model assumes and I have precisely confirmed over 9 years ago (and explained, by its simple physics, in the years since) on my blog. The world, in all of its complexity and even its most extreme variations (which are local, and transient, not global nor abiding), are utterly stable -- by design.

The foundation of science -- the very idea of unchanging "natural laws" -- rests upon the fact of the world's designed stability.

My discovery and verification of "the Great Design of the "gods" " -- the last in the series of designs -- confirms the world's design, as never before imagined, in all of history, and sets at naught all expostulations of any substantial global climate change (as well as any dogmatic defense of the current, false, central theories of all the earth and life sciences: Darwinian -- undirected -- evolution, and plate tectonics).

The present worldwide insanity comes just as my revolutionary new knowledge would cure it, instantly with that knowledge's acceptance by the wider world. The new knowledge reveals the single, objective origin of all the world's "Ancient Mysteries", and all of its false dogmas, and can cure all those that are now dividing mankind and tearing at the fabric of modern civilization.