Wednesday, December 6, 2023

In The Beginning Was The Design, and Metaphors From Heaven

I have posted the following comment on the Gateway Pundit site:

I will only say here, now, that the horrible mess the Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, and the abysmal Islamists) have made of their disparate inheritances, is once again leading to World War...

Let me help you: "Abraham" is just the reading of "Hammurabi" (of "The Code of Hammurabi" fame) from right to left, instead of left to right (with both readings recognizing the ancient language structure as syllabic, rather than alphabetic...the invention of the vowels was a late one, and confused the world). I suggest that Islam is the stepchild of Hammurabi's Code, with its "an eye for an eye" (which the Christian Jesus specifically denied -- Matthew 5:38-39 -- adding "turn the other cheek" to make it plain), while Christianity is the offspring of an ancient Enlightenment (as opposed to that of the 18th century AD) -- the original and eternal Wisdom Tradition -- of the Greek and Roman mythologies -- yes, mythologies, the real, distant precursors of world religions, as well as the "empires" themselves, as we study them. And in that context, here's another distant truth, from the "Beginning": All the world's mythologies were originally the same, or described the same real elements and relationships, in metaphor. I know...I found the Great Design as it was originally made.

You have been warned. You need to know the origin, in a single, objective world event, of the stories known today as ancient myth, in order to heal the world from its later ancient division(s). And the "modern" religions need to remember how they started, and relinquish their many various false dogmas, with which they are encrusted, some more than others but all in need of enlightened excision.


  1. Thanks for your insights. Have you seen the video "Symbols of an Alien Sky" or read the book? The book details ancient cataclysmic events that occurred on Earth. Were these events caused by the "Electric Universe" and were these a record of the last "great re-design" as you have researched?

    1. Good Morning, Chris,
      I have not seen or heard of the video. I have heard of the "Electric Universe", but I have not seen much come out of it; though I haven't followed it to really know. The fact that the Earth and Solar System was subjected to wholesale design event(s) is equivalent to finding a whole other explanation than unrecognized electric forces in the universe, anyway. It indicates that literally all of the material universe was the result of design, and by even more knowledgeable beings than those who merely remade our system.

      I consider that the elements themselves were designed, as the periodic table indicates to me; it is only those elements (and any others to be found later) that exist, not a smooth distribution of an "element" phenomenon. The supposed internal makeup of the elements, in the periodic table, actually shows how they were designed, in my tentative view. You heard it here first...

      I will look for the video on the internet, and comment on it if I find it not mere rampant speculation as so much is in science now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I doubt anyone has gotten real discoveries, without studying my own. The Great Design of the "gods" is the key to the next paradigm -- not Darwinian evolution and uniformitarianism...
